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Interested in a career that better fits your purpose?

Serving Your Purpose is connected to a large network of local businesses, including Fortune 500 companies, not-for-profit organizations, cutting-edge media companies, and faith-based organizations. If you are an ideal candidate looking to serve your purpose, we are eager to help you do so by putting you in touch with our contacts at these companies.

We are looking for individuals with different backgrounds and work experience, including—but not limited to—financial services, sales, military veterans, and community influencers. Ask yourself the following questions to see if you have what it takes!

Have you explored everything Serving Your Purpose has to offer? Candidates who have read Fall In Love with Your Future or personally experienced an SYP event (or both!) perform better than more than half of all applicants.

Have you been out of college three years or more? Candidates who have experience in the post-collegiate working world often find it easier to adjust in a new position.

Are you involved in at least two community or civic organizations? Candidates who know 100 or more people perform better than many other applicants.

Have you planned for your financial future? Candidates who have planned for their financial futures (for example, by investing in a Roth IRA or meeting with a financial services representative) demonstrate foresight, intelligent prioritization, and maturity.

Are you self motivated, comfortable meeting new people, coachable, and ambitious? These are all qualities of ideal candidates!

If you are interested in a career that better fits your purpose, then let us help you get there! Just fill out the contact form below, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Journal Entries

Real Life Stories, Leadership and Purpose

Journal Entries

Real Life Stories, Leadership and Purpose

  • 1094 words5.6 min read

    Is my life a mistake? Does it have meaning? Am I the right person for this position? If you have had days when questions like that crossed your mind, you are not alone. 

  • 782 words4.1 min read

    For women in the professional world today, the doors of opportunity are wide open, and women are more educated than in any previous generation.

  • 501 words2.7 min read

    This morning, men and women all over the world got out of bed and prepared for work.