Ron recently returned from a trip to Phoenix for Super Bowl XLIX! But the most exciting part of the trip didn’t happen during the game—it happened before it at the 2015 Super Bowl Breakfast. How would you live your life if you had 15 cameras on you at all times?

Transcript: Super Bowl XLIX

Good day, the Super Bowl is over. What a game. Mary and I had the benefit of being in Phoenix for almost a week. There were many great events. Phoenix did a magnificent job of hosting as the key city, but the very best part of the Super Bowl was the Athletes in Action Super Bowl Breakfast. And at that breakfast, Peyton Manning was honored as the NFL man of the year.

He spoke at breakfast and he had one moving part I wanted to share with you that I thought might make a difference for you. He said, as an NFL player, particularly a quarterback, there’s 15 cameras running at all times. There’s film of every move you made, and so when it comes time to review film, you really have to make an honest inventory of everything that happened.

And he challenged all of us, whether it’s an honest inventory of being a husband or father, an honest inventory of what you’re doing at work, an honest inventory of what’s going on in your faith life, or how you are as a friend, just pretend that there’s a game film running on you and what would the honest inventory be? He also challenged all of us to challenge NFL players. He said the best performances in his life have been when people expected a lot of him, and saying to the audience, expect more of us as NFL players and we will perform better. And I would say for each of us, why don’t we all expect more of ourselves? Have a great day.

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